This is a picture looking into the studio from my husband's room. He had to have a room too. He hopes to get a pool table to go in his. Right now it is pretty well empty.
For a while I didn't quilt as much as I'd liked to have. I was busy painting so DH could get the floors put down, and then busy moving in. I think I need more cabinet space, I still have a lot of stuff that I haven't found a place for.
I finished the half log cabin top that I worked on at the EVQG July quilt camp. In fact it is on the frame now. I don't know if you can tell in the picture or not.
This picture doesn't do it justice. I'm still trying to think of a name for it. To me it looks like beacons of light shining out of the darkness.
The spring and fall EVQG quilt camps and an AQG sew-in I worked on my scrappy star top. I finally completed it this past week-end.
AQG had another one day sew-in last Friday. I worked on my "Pink" top, or that is how I think of it. I had all my prep work done ahead so I could spend the day making the blocks and sewing them into rows. I got four rows done. Unfortunately I turned one of the blocks sideways. I got that straightened out and the top is now finished.
Dora thinks it is awesome and has laid claim to it. I'm quite pleased with it myself.
There are lots of woods around us and lots of deer. They usually can be seen around dusk but seldom during the day and even more rare, where I can see them from my front porch.
She stood across the street for a long time while I took pictures and than she turned around and went back into the woods.