Saturday, May 24, 2008

Quilt Class and This 'N That

One of our guild members is teaching Blooming Nine Patch classes. The first one was last night. I got all my fabrics lined up in order. I've got a couple of projects to finish up before I can start on it. The next class is June 14th. and I want to have a good start on the 9-patch blocks when I go. It was fun seeing the different fabric choices. One is doing hers all in neutral colors. It is gorgeous done in neutrals, although I don't think I'll do one. Think I'd be inclined to use a different pattern that isn't so labor intensive. Another is doing hers in pastels. I think that will be very pretty too.

Here are the fabrics I'm planning to use. The green in the middle I got from Sallyann, but I found out there isn't quite enough of it. There is just a tad over 1yd. and the #4 fabric requirement is 1-3/8yds. Guess I will search the Internet and see if I can find it and buy more. It says on the salvage: "Stitches From a Country Cottage" by Barrisue Gaudet for Four Corners Designs-A.E. Nathan. I don't have anything in my stash that will work. I guess it won't hurt to buy one piece of fabric for this top.

Before I can start working on the Blooming 9-Patch, I need to get the borders on the mystery quilt and on my roosting round robin. I drug it out yesterday for some reason, now it is sitting in my way, so guess I might as well put that last border on and be done.

I did do a little today. Got binding ready for 3 quilts and got the label on the four patches and friends quilt.

My lilies are blooming. Just had to take a picture of them.

I've got more in another spot. Also have day lilies, but I don't see any buds on them.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

More Quilt Camp

Here are the pictures of what I worked on at quilt camp.

Got the binding on this quilt. Saturday I put the label on the back. I still need to wash it and then it will be ready to give next time we need a baby shower gift.

Mine, mine, mine! This is my Hidden Wells quilt that I pieced a couple of years ago. I finally got it quilted. This is the other quilt that I got the binding on at camp. It is my new snuggle quilt.

Five fat quarters made both of these tops, plus the binding. It is a kit that I got from Connecting Threads. I love toiles, so couldn't resist getting this kit. I hope I have enough scraps left to use for the backing on one of them. I haven't decided if I want to keep them or donate them for the EVQG quilt show silent auction. The one on the left is approx. 13" X 16-1/2" and the one on the right is about 14" square

This one isn't finished yet. It still needs leaves appliqued on each of the out side squares. I'll do that at my bee meetings. This was a little 5" charm kit I bought two years ago When I went to Paducah. The fabric line is A Day in the Country by Fig Tree Quilts for Moda.

This is the other kit I bought at Hanncocks of Paducah. The fabrics are from the Poetry Collection by April Cornell for Moda. I love these fabrics. I think this would really look good in my sun room. I can't part with this one. It is approx. 52" square.

I got all the blocks for the mystery quilt sewn together and have been working on the borders today. I still have another quilt to get the binding on by Tuesday, so I can take it to show 'N tell.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Quilt Camp

The EVQG held a quilt camp all week at the civic center. I had a nice time. I took several kits with me and pieced 3 small tops. I got the binding on two quilts. Here are a couple of pictures that I took.
Sandra worked on an I Spy quilt (on the design wall), plus a couple of other project.
Here is a picture of some of the other quilters. The lighting in that room is not very good for taking pictures. Maybe this afternoon I can take pictures of what I worked on at camp. Mary Beth helped me with the miter corners on one of the tops. I used to do mitered corners, but the last time I tried, they didn't turn out well at all. Now I think I have it down if I don't forget again.

My pretty yellow rose is blooming.

It is my favorite, but the blooms don't last long.

All the blocks for the mystery quilt are done. Yeah!

This is the last block.

This is the blocks on the designed wall. I got half of it sewn together at quilt camp. I think it turned out pretty good done scrappy. I'm happy with it. Mary Beth thought it might look good in a sun room, which is where I might use it once I get my sun room back. It is being used as a bedroom right now.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


The roses are blooming, and of course I took pictures. I don't know what will happen to my flowers once we get around to landscaping the yard. Don't know where we'll move them too, or even if they will survive a move. Some have been in the same spot for years.

The bush on the right is just getting started. In past years it has been covered in blooms and really pretty. Hope it will be again this year. I have two bushes like this. Didn't even look to see if the other one has started blooming yet or not.

The garden is in bad need of weed eating. The weeds are as tall as the flowers. Many years ago I had delusions of being a gardener. I never could get the garden area full of flowers and the weeds grew faster than the flowers. I finally gave it up and am trying to enjoy the flowers that survived. The frost got my Azaleas this year. They are usually covered in blooms in early spring. I was very disappointed.

The front porch post are up and the railings installed. Now it just needs to be primed and painted white.

I dread painting that railing. It should look good once it is done.

Well, I finished the "Tossed Nine Patch" top.

It will be awhile before I get it quilted. I do not especially enjoy quilting queen sized quilts. I have another queen that I need to get quilted ahead of this one. I've been putting it off long enough.

Next week is quilt camp. I dread packing every thing up and getting ready to go. I know I'll have a good time, but it is easier to just stay at home. I'm not even sure yet what project(s) I'm going to take to work on. Probably kits that I have bought and never got around to making. At least that way I don't have to pick fabrics.

I have 3 quilts to get the binding on. Guess I'll work on that today.

Friday, May 2, 2008

More Iris

Two more Iris have bloomed. a light blue and a white one.

Think this is all of the Iris for awhile. I don't see any signs of the others blooming yet. My roses have lots of buds on them. The only one that has bloomed yet is the little single bloomer.

I started the other pattern I bought of Eleanor Burns, the "Tossed Nine Patch".

This is just the blocks on the design wall. I've gotten the blocks sewn into rows and have started sewing the rows together. I'm still deciding on how I want to do the borders. Today I spent quilting. I found out what was wrong with my Bernina and it is now back on the frame. Hopefully I can get some of these tops I have laying around quilted. Yesterday I went to Hobby Lobby and bought thread to quilt a couple of them, plus I have some thread already.