Thursday, January 29, 2015

New Year’s Resolutions and Word for the Year


New Year’s resolutions, I remember two of them, the usual, exercise and loose weight.  What were the rest of them?  I’m sure I have them wrote down somewhere incase I want to check to see if I’m accomplishing any of them.  I have been pretty good about getting on the tread mill so far, but no luck with loosing weight yet.  My word for the year is “focus”  I sure need to concentrate on that.  It is a good word for me, but “speed” would be an equally good one.  There is never enough hours in the day.  I’ve slowed down so much I only get about 1/3 done that I need/want to do. 

But I have accomplished a few things.  Keeping up with my blog hasn’t been one of them.  I’m still doing the Saturday Sampler from Tiny Stitches and enjoying it.

Sat. Sampler Oct.SaturdaySamplerDec

These are the blocks for October and December.  Seems I was so happy to have finished November and January blocks that I forgot to take pictures, but they are also finished. Now hints are being dropped for the new one starting in June.  Paisleys she says!  How mean I say!  I love paisleys, in fact I’m trying to finish up a quilt top that has paisley prints. No pictures though.  Anyway, starting a new SS in June wasn’t on our agenda, guess it is now.  We just started a new SS at Pickleweeds Quilt shop in Douglasville, an hours trip between the 2 shops. At least we can do both on the same Saturday. Unfortunately we have to leave at 7:00 a.m. to be to the first one by 8:00 a.m. in order to be back home in a timely manner.


This is the first block for Pickleweeds SS.  the 2nd block is done, but of course absent minded me didn’t take a picture, unless I forgot to down load it from my email. 

I have finished a few tops from last years SS, BOMs & Quilt A longs.

Purple HazeSewRetroKitchen Top

The first is Purple Sage which I’ve renamed Purple Haze,  The second one it Retro Kitchen, which I’m naming Grandma’s Kitchen. My granddaughter says that is me in the center block.  Guess the gray hair was the give-a-way. I did get one of them fancy designer Kitchen aid mixers.  Only mine is red. I’ve used it once so far.

Globe Trotting Top

This is the Globetrotting BOM. Haven’t decided on a name for it yet.  I’m planning to do Pat’s Vacation Time BOM for 2015. Think I’ve made the January block. 

I’m still working on several other 2014 projects.  Maybe I will complete them by July.

Aurifil BOM Oct&NovAurifilDec

These are the Oct, Nov and Dec Aurifil Blocks. There is a really cute setting for these blocks, but will probably finish some of the easier ones first.

Delightful Stars 3borders

This is Delightful Stars with the first 3 borders on.  The blocks for the fourth border are pieced, just need to get them sewn together and on the quilt.

Right now I’m working on this:

BH MysteryPart2BH MysteryPart3

The Grand Illusion Mystery by Bonnie Hunter, parts 2 & 3.   Actually I’m a lot farther along than this. In fact I’m working on the borders.  Borders seem to be my hang up. Have 3 quilt tops that all they need are borders.

Yes, we had a lovely Christmas at our daughter’s house this year!  So odd, but so nice not to have all the cooking and clean up to do.  We put up a live tree this year.  That was because dear daughter ran off with our artificial one.


We had to go buy an Angel for the tree top too. Again, ours seemed to be atop  another tree.  Lydia wanted the doll on top of their tree instead of the star her Mom was planning on.  Think I will get some more garland next year. This was a fir tree and I would like to get another if I’m in the mood this year.


We ( Jean, Nancy & I) went to Tiny Stitches Grand Re-opening (they moved to the building next door to the strip mall they were in).  These hot pads was one of the demos they were doing.  I made these for my daughter to use at Christmas. I also made more, 2 for me and 2 for Christine. They are easy enough to make.  I plan to make some for Thanksgiving. Well, I need to make placemats and a table runner too, for that matter.

Dora, Brittney & I went to Sam’s Club yesterday.  We don’t go often so it is an adventure.  Hope I got some good deals because I sure did some damage to the wallet. 

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