Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Some Finishes


Feelin’ good.  Got some projects finished.  Every project done takes a weight off my shoulders. It will be a long time before they feel weightless!  Hopefully I’m headed in that direction.

First finish:


Bonnie Hunter’s latest mystery “Grand Illusions”.  I’ve named my version “Karate Stars”  My lovely granddaughter, Lydia wanted in on the picture.


This is the back of the quilt.  I had a large piece of one of the blues I wanted to get out of my stash, so decided on a pieced back.  Also kept me from having so many left overs to cut up into usable pieces. I’m going to try to make it a habit to piece more backs, especially since I’m running out of large pieces to use for backs.

Next project done:


Not quite my style, but I wore it last night when I took Lydia to her ballet class.  I was so layered up due to the cold, that it didn’t show.  I bought this iron on chrystal motif several years ago to put on a T-shirt for my daughter.  She was into the skull and crossbones thing at the time, but not the bling.  So it never got done.  Came across it Saturday while looking for something else and decided to do something with it, just to be done with it. Another weight off my shoulders. If worse comes to worse, I can always donate it to Goodwill.  Maybe someone would come along that liked it.


Jammin’ jars.  A nice little Sunday afternoon project.  They just need to have fat quarters put in them and then two of them will be part of my Christmas in March gifts to friends.  We are just slow about getting our projects done for gift giving.  There is just too much else going on at the Holidays.  They were fun to do and am considering making them for Christmas for bee members, depending on what we decide to do for our Christmas exchange.  We have been doing fat quarters and this would be great packaging.

This week I’m working on finishing the M for Murder Mystery BOM.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

BOMs and Saturday Samplers


Busy Busy this weed trying to keep up with my ever growing new projects.  I said only FOUR Sat. samplers, BOMs, quilt alongs, mysteries, etc. at one time.  Had my 4, then just couldn’t resist doing the Quiltmaker mystery.  the clues are only every other month. What could be the harm.  Then there is Michele Foster’s A4AII fixing to start.  This is her 4th year in a row doing a Quilt Along.  I’ve participated in the past 3. Doesn’t seem right not to do this one too.  I said participated because I only completed the first top.  The last 2 are still waiting for the borders to be put on.  One the borders are done and the other, the border blocks are made, just not sewn in to a border row.  I hear my guild is doing a mystery this year too.  We had so much fun with last years.  So that makes me up to SEVEN!  At least it’s not TWELVE!  That’s how many I had going on at one time last year.  And of course one of my New Year’s resolutions is to FINISH all of them.  Think I still have 5 to go.  No wonder I never get any UFOs finished.  I’m too busy trying to keep my current and not so current projects from becoming UFOs.  No more UFOs.  Finish all my current projects. 

So….What I have been doing this week.  Current projects.


Vacation Time by Pat Sloan February block.


Pickleweeds Quilt shop Saturday Sampler and Tiny Stitches Saturday Sampler for February. Glad to see a little more color in the Pickleweeds block.  That purple or what ever it is isn’t a very pleasing color.


Threads of Time block 1.  This is the new BOM I started this month.  There are 4 blocks in different colors and 40 flying geese to make each month.  They are 8” finished blocks.  I’m still working on the flying geese. I nearly have them half made.  Doing them as my leaders and enders.  I’m now working on the QM Mystery.  lots of work there.  I’ve finished one section and am working on the other two.  They are basically the same with the exception of one fabric.  I’ve got that part of the section done. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Trip To The Grocery Store


Grocery shopping is definitely not my most favorite thing to do. But someone has to do it and that would be me. Everything went fine until I got to the check out and than the gripy old lady in me came out.  The nice check out girl hung my bottled cokes over the edge of the buggy.  Then the bag guy showed up to help. 1st mistake, he decides to take the bottles off the sides of the buggy and set them in the buggy where my groceries need to go.  That got him a dirty look from me.  Then he puts the bagged lettuce and spinach in the bottom of a cooler bag and then shrugs his shoulders and pushes the orange juice that I got out of the cooler aside.  I had to tell him I wanted the juice in that cooler bag, making him have to repack the bag putting the juice, milk, and canned biscuits in.  So he thinks he’s through.  I have to ask/tell him to put the lettuce and spinach in on top of the other stuff.  This just did not make me feel like a nice sweet person.  I have yet to figure out how to politely refuse the offer to carry my groceries out to my truck.  I can do that.  I have a nice buggy to push them out in.  When I get home I have to carry the bags into the house without assistance, so why do I need help with the easy part?!

On a happier note, I have been working on my block of the months  and mystery quilts.


The Pickleweeds Quilt Shop Saturday Sampler block 2. Done in time to go Saturday and get this months bock and start a BOM that they have going on.  It is a rather ambitious project.  Think there are at least 2 blocks every month and 40 flying geese to make.  I’ll know more Saturday.  It was the colors that hooked us.


July blocks for the Vice Versa BOM.  These are the last of the blocks, now just have to get around to getting them into a quilt top.  The second block is the  Jan. Vacation Time BOM block that Pat Sloan is doing for 2015.  I just printed out the Feb. block this morning. 


The Bonnie Hunter Grand Illusion mystery quilt is on the frame waiting for me to find time to quilt it.  I see it is still a mystery, all covered up.  I have a cat who likes to get on my quilts while on the frame. That freed up my design wall for the M is for Mystery BOM.


All the rows are put together, now to sew the rows into a top.  The bottom 2 rows are pinned together and waiting for me. Hope to make this next week’s project.

My poor design wall is falling apart.  I have more sheets of insulation to make a new one.  I’m just feel that is a project to procrastinate over for as long as possible.