Friday, February 13, 2015

BOMs and Saturday Samplers


Busy Busy this weed trying to keep up with my ever growing new projects.  I said only FOUR Sat. samplers, BOMs, quilt alongs, mysteries, etc. at one time.  Had my 4, then just couldn’t resist doing the Quiltmaker mystery.  the clues are only every other month. What could be the harm.  Then there is Michele Foster’s A4AII fixing to start.  This is her 4th year in a row doing a Quilt Along.  I’ve participated in the past 3. Doesn’t seem right not to do this one too.  I said participated because I only completed the first top.  The last 2 are still waiting for the borders to be put on.  One the borders are done and the other, the border blocks are made, just not sewn in to a border row.  I hear my guild is doing a mystery this year too.  We had so much fun with last years.  So that makes me up to SEVEN!  At least it’s not TWELVE!  That’s how many I had going on at one time last year.  And of course one of my New Year’s resolutions is to FINISH all of them.  Think I still have 5 to go.  No wonder I never get any UFOs finished.  I’m too busy trying to keep my current and not so current projects from becoming UFOs.  No more UFOs.  Finish all my current projects. 

So….What I have been doing this week.  Current projects.


Vacation Time by Pat Sloan February block.


Pickleweeds Quilt shop Saturday Sampler and Tiny Stitches Saturday Sampler for February. Glad to see a little more color in the Pickleweeds block.  That purple or what ever it is isn’t a very pleasing color.


Threads of Time block 1.  This is the new BOM I started this month.  There are 4 blocks in different colors and 40 flying geese to make each month.  They are 8” finished blocks.  I’m still working on the flying geese. I nearly have them half made.  Doing them as my leaders and enders.  I’m now working on the QM Mystery.  lots of work there.  I’ve finished one section and am working on the other two.  They are basically the same with the exception of one fabric.  I’ve got that part of the section done. 

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