Friday, November 22, 2013

Still Quilting


CrownRoyal2Made 16 more Crown Royal blocks.  I now have 22 made and 20 to go.  These bags are all different shapes.  Guess they didn’t use a template to cut them. Still need to find some more gold fabric for the sashing.  Want something kind of shinny.  I bought some, but I think it might be a little too orangey.  I would like some a little more gold that would match the gold stitching on the bags.  Guess I will have to take one with me.  I wanted to go today, but am watching my sick granddaughter. 


LAQuilting1This is quilt #4.  It originally just had to be done before Christmas.  Now she wants it right after Thanksgiving.  I hope to get it finished this week-end.  I still need to do my Thanksgiving grocery shopping.  I’m wishing now that I would have just gotten everything yesterday while I was at Ingles.  Thought I would go to Walmart to save money, but don’t know when I will get there. I have 2 to babysit for next week and would like to get to the gym at least once.

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