Saturday, March 29, 2008

Camera Stolen

Dora borrowed my camera yesterday to take pictures. Her and some friends went to Sidelines in Marietta last night. They were celebrating a friends birthday. They were there about 30 minutes when her car was broken into. She was going out to the car to get the camera when she discovered it. The driver's side window was broken out. The only thing that was taken was my digital camera. She felt bad about it and bought me a new 12 pixel Kodak Easy Share Z1285 Camera. It is the one she has been wanting to get for herself. The one that was stolen was only 5 pixels, but it took good pictures and I liked it. I'll have to call the insurance company Monday and see if it covers the car being broken into and if the deductible applies. I've never had a car broken into before. She said they broke into some other cars too.

I took a picture with the new camera and it wasn't as good as my old one, then I noticed she had it set on P/M setting. I changed it to what I needed it to be on and took another picture and it turned out much better. Had me worried for a minute.

The challenge quilt top is finished. Now I need to get the backing ready and get it on the frame so I can get it quilted.

I guess it looks ok. I'm not real happy with the ocean waves blocks. Too much blue. I would have left it out, but that is were I used the challenge fabric. I did think about (for about 2 seconds) taking one of the fish blocks apart and substituting a fish made from the challenge fabric. I didn't feel like going to that much trouble. Now I kind of wish I had. Dora doesn't like the fabric I used for the sashing and inner border. All I can say is, it is what I had. The same colors in it are in the border fabric and it doesn't clash with the colors in the blocks. What more can you want!

All the little hour glass blocks have been made. So now I'm finally on part 6 and get to put all these little blocks together to make bigger blocks.

I sure haven't gotten much done today, just finished putting the top and bottom borders on the challenge quilt. I pulled out the fabric for the duck quilt for Kevin. I found a pattern in one of my quilt magazines that I like, but want to try doing it a little differently, but basically the same idea. I started to make a sample block, but couldn't decide what fabric to use where. Then I decided to make the quilt labels for the paint chip challenge quilts, but all I got done was cutting a strip of bleached muslin off the bolt to use. So I guess the same list I had for Friday and today will roll over as tomorrow's list. I did get one thing crossed off. And I did load the dishwasher, which I forgot to put that on the list. I usually do, it is not a quilting list, it is a list of all the things I need to do.

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