Wednesday, March 12, 2014

It’s Hump Day


Just like the camel in the commercial reminds people.  I like that commercial.

Guess I should have gone to the gym this morning, but just didn’t feel like getting out of bed. I did go to flow class yesterday.  I enjoyed it and I’m not real sore this morning. 

I’ve made progress on the memory quilt.


The body of the quilt is made.  I’ve auditioned fabrics for the borders.  I’ve decided on a pink with little blue circles for the inner border and the bottom fabric in the the far right picture as the outer border. I like the darker of the three fabrics, but only have enough for one quilt.  I don’t know if the quilts need to have the same borders or if they can be different.  If they don’t need to be the same, I may use it for the second quilt.

The Quilty Fun Quilt Along block came out Monday.  It kicked my ass.  I can’t figure out why four little mittens should have been so hard to make.  This was one case of “done” is better than “perfect”. I was really stressed by the time I got finished.


Some how I end up with left handed gloves instead of the right handed ones I was trying to make.  I like how the quilt is turning out.  Just two more blocks to go and then it will be time to assemble the top. I’m so glad I decided to do this quilt along.

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