Monday, April 7, 2014

April BOMs


April has gotten off to a good start.  I’ve complete all but 4 of the BOMs that I’m involved in.  So far I am liking how they are turning out.


The April Purple Sage block from Persimmon Quilts.  Just the center part of the block changes each month.  I think there are 13 blocks all together. 



The April Delightful Stars block. This is a quilt along and a new block comes out every week with the exception of a couple of breaks.  So, it is a little more challenging to keep up with.


Michele, the designer of the Delightful Stars quilt, asked each participant of the quilt along to make her a friendship star.  Her is the one I made for her.  She plans to piece them all together for the back of her quilt.



Globetrotting with Pat Sloan.  San Juan is the April block. I feel like I should write the name of the city each block represents to help me remember.



Clue 3 of the EVGQ mystery is complete.  Still able to do this as my leaders and enders and keep up.  The next clue comes out the 3rd Tuesday. This is definitely a mystery to me.

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